Looking for large database with accurate information?​

B2B Global Access provide the most accurate, continually-verified collection of business data available, delivered through powerful technology.

Data Licensing

Data licensing yields time savings; you’ve got immediate access to the data you require rather than having to locate it, order it and coordinate its delivery with your marketing project. Of course, there will be cost savings and/or improved ROI. When a company moves from a regular list rental format or a data append transactional format to a negotiated data license, it generally sees a “material price drop, When I think about some of the deals we’ve put in place, clients have realized a 60-percent price drop from their current data environment.”.

Benefits of Data Licensing

  • Flexible database management options
  • Reach out to customers on a large scale through data purchase option
  • Reliable database as a result of constant updates every 15-20 days
  • Identify targets easily through secure access
  • Simple process to renew or upgrade the license
  • 24/7 customer support assistance to instantly resolve issues
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